Speak Up! faces a lawsuit – support our crowdfunder

For more than 3 years we tried to draw attention to the case of a renowned female professor and her research group at ETH Zurich who continue to be faced with an ongoing process of – hard to find a different term – mobbing. Joining other actors such as students, women faculty colleagues, even politicians and the media, Speak Up! has on several occasions urged the ETH Zurich leadership and the Board of the ETH Domain to find an appropriate and fair solution.

To no avail! Instead, the President of Speak Up! is now confronted with a defamation lawsuit by the state prosecutor, initiated by an ETH Zurich colleague of the female professor.

We are forced to defend ourselves and, unfortunately, this means expensive lawyer fees. As a volunteer-run association, we have no income to turn to – and this is where you come in. We count on YOU!

See our crowdfunder for more details. To drive change, we must speak up! Help us to continue doing so.

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