Unsubstantiated, defamatory article concerning an ETH female guest professor published by NZZ

An article by Stephan Trüby in NZZ Feuilleton (19.3.2024) titled “Israelhass in der Architektenszene…» mentioned Prof. Dr. Samia Henni, currently guest professor in the Department of Architecture at ETH eight times, accusing her of anti-semitic statements in public and misrepresenting her dissertation and her award-winning book. The claims made were untrue or misconstrued, as clarified by her dissertation supervisors. NZZ had not checked the facts, never consulted Henni and refused to publish a rectification by her. The defamatory article seriously damaged her academic reputation and also her personal safety – leading to an anonymous death threat! 

Speak Up! in Academia subsequently sent a critical letter to the editor of NZZ, also supported by 35 ETH professors. After initial agreement, the NZZ chief editor refused to publish even a shorter version.

The ETH Executive Board is still expected to make a statement.

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